CMA Final Paper 14 SFM Regular Batch

Strategic Financial Management
By Sanjay Saraf
5 (9658)

239 | 300 Hrs apprx. | Hindi-English Mix


CMA PAPER 14 : Strategic Financial Management (SFM)SSEI LECTURE/TOPIC NAME 
1Section A: Investment DecisionsInvestment Decisions, Project Planning and ControlCapital Budgeting and Risk Analysis
Evaluation of Risky Proposal for Investment Decisions
Leasing DecisionsSame as in CA
SecuritizationSame as in CA
2Section B: Security Analysis and Portfolio ManagementIntroductionPortfolio management,
Mutual Fund,
 equity valuation and bond valuation
Equity and Bond Valuation and Evaluation of Performance
Mutual Funds
Portfolio Theory and Practice
Asset Pricing Theories
Portfolio Performance Evaluation and Portfolio Revision
Efficient Market Hypothesis
3Section C: Financial Risk ManagementRisks in Financial MarketDerivatives,
Risk Management,
& Interest Rate Risk Management
Financial Derivatives - Instruments for Risk Management
4Section D: International Financial ManagementThe International Financial EnvironmentForex( derivatives knowledge
required in some portions)
Foreign Exchange Market
Foreign Exchange Risk Management
5Section E: Digital FinanceDigital FinanceWill be separately covered

Other Info

  • Lectures : 239
  • Duration : 300 Hrs apprx.
  • Language : Hindi-English Mix
  • System Requirement : Windows 8.1 & above -4GB RAM -Graphics Card Integrated or Dedicated -AMD Ryzen supported - Android 7.0 & beyond Mobile & Tablet supported - Bluetooth headphone allowed for mobile, tablet or laptop
  • Does Not Support : Desktop not allowed. IOS & Apple device not available currently in any mode and device.
  • Mock Test Available : MCQ will be provided in the manner of mocks and quizzes on Qforum.
  • No. of Book : 3 books
  • ₹ 14000

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Sanjay Saraf
Sanjay Saraf