CFA Level 3- Concentrated Single Asset Position and ASSET ALLOCATION
Other Info
Lectures : ~13
System Requirement
: 1. Windows 8.1 & above with 4GB RAM -Graphics Card Integrated or Dedicated AMD Ryzen supported, 2. Android 7.0 & beyond Mobile & Tablet supported, 3. iPhone and iPad is compatible in a limited manner. The software is currently in Beta Testing mode for iOS and regularly getting updated, 4. Bluetooth headphone allowed for mobile, tablet or laptop.
Does Not Support : Desktop, Linux, Apple Macbook are NOT supported.
Important Information : Once installed on a particular mobile or tablet, the same cannot be used on a different android device. Simultaneous login on both Android App and Laptop is not permitted. Machine on which the application is installed once cannot be changed.
Platform : Lectures will be played only on Laptop, not on Desktop.
Activation : Course validity will start when you will receive the login credentials for ULURN App via your registered email id.