STUDY MATERIAL: 3 Books [Book 1 (Vol-1&3), Book 2 (Vol - 2&4), Book 3 (Vol - 5, 6&7), Revision Book (in Soft Copy)]
CHAPTER-WISE CBT QUIZ: Candidates will get access to a Quiz with multiple attempts for each Chapter
REVISION LECTURES: Available on YouTube playlist
FULL CBT QFORUM MOCK: The candidate will get privileged access to a full CBT mock at QForum.
AUDIO SUMMARY: Each class is mapped to an audio podcast.
FORMULA SHEET:NEVER REQUIRED WITH SSEI. Our teaching focus is on CONCEPTS & Building strong Fundamentals.
Language: Mix of English & Hindi - (Pre-dominantly Hindi)
Other Info
System Requirement
: 1. Windows 8.1 & above with 4GB RAM -Graphics Card Integrated or Dedicated AMD Ryzen supported, 2. Android 7.0 & beyond Mobile & Tablet supported, 3. iPhone and iPad is compatible in a limited manner. The software is currently in Beta Testing mode for iOS and regularly getting updated, 4. Bluetooth headphone allowed for mobile, tablet or laptop.
Does Not Support : Desktop, Linux, Apple Macbook are NOT supported.