By Sanjay Saraf Sir | 28 Nov 2018 | CFA
The last month before the exam is the most important phrase. The highest level of efficiency is achieved in the last month by problem-solving rather than notes reading. The students are categorized into 2 main parts when the exam knocks on the door. rather than notes reading. The students are categorized into 2 main parts when the exam knocks on the door.
a) Students who are on the revision phrase
Their main problem is that they are forgetting the chapters which they have completed before. This is indeed a complex problem with a simple solution. The best way to combat this problem is by practicing more and more mock papers. It is an interactive process rather than a passive process, which involves reading the entire notes over and over again.
The interactive approach improves your memory and enhances your problem-solving skills. It is recommended that a student should spend 75-80% of their time in problem-solving. Analyse the mock test results carefully and then go back to the notes and recollect those areas which you have forgotten. The next most important step is planning.
The biggest mistake that people does is they take extra care and denotes 2 or 3 days to a particular chapter. This is completely wrong and you should refrain from such a practice at all costs. The best way to utilise your day is by focusing on 2 or 3 topics in a single day. This ensures that the entire day is not monotonous. It also prepares your brain to shift from one topic to the other in no time. This is extremely crucial as during the real exam all the topics would be thrown out at the same time. As a result, it improves the brain’s adaptability and helps you to prepare yourself for the big day.
b) The 2nd category includes students who are yet to complete their syllabus
They often face a big problem when it comes to planning the day. They suffer from a dilemma on whether they should complete the incomplete topic or revise the ones completed. The student needs to understand that they are standing on a very thin line and they need to fasten their seatbelts and do both REVISE and COMPLETE.
This is why planning the day properly is more important than ever. The first half of the day should be utilized on covering the incomplete topics. The next part of the day should be used in revision. In this way, both the boxes are ticked. And the interactive approach also saves time and quickens the process.
A day before the exam
Do not burden yourself with any unnecessary pressure. Get a good night sleep and do not worry about the score. Refrain from waking up at sunrise and starting to revise the notes blindly. In this way, you will be panic-stricken. Stay calm and just see some notes covering the most important areas. A common mistake that people does is that they discuss marks and scores during the 2-hour window in between the AM- PM session. Avoid that at all cause. Rather lightly go through the notes. It is very important to relax and maintain the calmness throughout the paper.