CA Intermediate Taxation Regular by CA Sahil Jain

By CA Sahil jain
5 (6254)


Note:- This batch is as per the latest syllabus for May’23 & Nov’23 Attempts.

  1. Basic details about the batch:

    • These are CA Intermediate Paper 4, i.e. Taxation classes (Old & New Course).
    • These are the latest classes for May’23 & Nov’23 attempts.
    • A mix of Hindi & English will be used in these classes.
  2. How are our classes different from every other taxation class available in the Industry?

    • It is very common in the education sector for teachers to engage in push-marketing activities like advertising ranks of students; bringing discounts/promo codes around festivals; doing ipad/laptop giveaways etc.
    • Due to the sheer quality of our lectures in terms of practical exposure of taxation that all our students get, we have never had to market the ranks and other achievements of our students for commercial benefit nor do we intend to engage ourselves in any of the above-mentioned marketing gimmicks ever. This is precisely the reason why you will never find us asking for roll numbers/marksheets/photos etc. from any of our students.
    • To truly experience our approach towards education, we would highly encourage you to watch some demo lectures of ours and see for yourself why students/professionals/tax officers etc. choose to have Sahil Sir as their teacher in their journey of becoming a Tax Practitioner.
  3. How will you be taught in this specific course?

    • You will start studying every chapter from the classes along with our Taxation Capsules.
    • In every chapter, you will be taught the in-depth logic behind each topic that will help you not just clear the exams, but also ace the tax consultancy profession.
    • Along with logics, you will be given learning techniques for various important topics.
    • For practice of Questions, we will cover hundreds of questions from ICAI’s resources.
    • While studying any concept, you will also be given an ABC Analysis based on Past Attempts which will help you identify important topics in syllabus.
    • While practicing questions, you will be given certain Formats for each chapter which will help you crack questions of that specific chapter and almost eliminate the chances of error in exam.
    • You will also be given Presentation Tips which will help your answer sheet look more legible and improve your chances of scoring high.
    • You will be taught a 1/4th Revision Rule to revise everything quickly in the shortest possible duration.
    • After completing a chapter, you will receive Video & Audio Revision Clips that you will use to learn everything along with the classes.
    • After having learned everything in the chapter, you will be provided with MCQ Tests to check your preparation of that chapter.
    • After completing the entire syllabus like this, you will receive 1 complimentary 100 marker Mock Test of entire syllabus. To help you check this mock test and determine your score, Sahil sir will provide you with a detailed marking scheme PDF and will also explain through a video how examiners give marks point-wise. This entire exercise will help you understand areas of improvement eventually allowing you to ace your exam.
    • If you opt for it, you will be allocated a group of study buddies who have joined the same batch as you and you can communicate with them to help each other throughout your CA Journey.
    • For doubt resolution, the phone number of student will be saved in Sir’s personal phone to prioritise resolving your queries over Whatsapp/Telegram. Doing this has helped us become the only organisation in this industry that boasts a 100% doubt resolution rate thereby ensuring the not even a single doubt of our students remains unanswered.
    • In live and face-to-face modes, backup of 100% lectures will be provided to ensure that you don’t miss any lecture if at all you are not able to attend the lecture live.
    • Any amendments which are introduced by ICAI in syllabus from time-to-time will be taught to the students for free.
  4. What all will you receive?

    • If you’ve ordered both Income Tax & GST, you’ll receive our Colored Set of Books for both Income Tax & GST.
    • You will receive the ordered Classes through the mode that you have opted for.
  5. Technical Details about the batch:-

    • These classes can be played on a windows desktop/laptop or an android smartphone.
    • You can watch each lecture 2 times and these classes can be watched upto 1 year from the date of activation.
    • Post-purchase, you will receive the class activation key on your mail id.

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Other Info

  • Restrictions : Please see all course details before purchase
  • ₹ 13500

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CA Sahil jain
CA Sahil jain
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